
Find your wellness remedies at MMD Shops in Marina Del Rey any day of the week. Introduce cannabis-infused topicals into your daily routine or target skin conditions, aches, pains and inflammation as they flare up. Choose from THC-rich transdermal patches, CBD-prominent balms or a balanced cannabinoid formula. Appreciate the fragrant and therapeutic infusion of essential oils.

Expertly Crafted Cannabis Topicals from MMD Shops

One of our many favorites is Nourishing Muscle + Joint Salve from Autumn Brands. Locally crafted in small batches, a progressive cold extraction process captures the distinctive features of sun-grown cannabis strains. There is no need for further distilling or refining to achieve a depth of beneficial compounds, including terpenes and cannabinoids. Anti-inflammatory CBD partners with pain-relieving THC into a perfect blend of cocoa butter, coconut and castor oil. We love this salve for relieving stress, rejuvenating skin and reducing swelling, bruising and irritations.

We’re Ready for You in Marina Del Rey

Visit and browse the shelves of our dispensary in Marina Del Rey Monday thru Sunday. Consult with our knowledgeable staff for insightful recommendations. Shop our website whenever time allows and enjoy the simplicity of online ordering. We’re happy to prepare your selections for in-store pickup. We also deliver! Check out MMD Shops for best prices, amazing deals and fresh potential.

Cannabis Dispensary, Cannabis Topicals, Cannabis Cream & Marijuana Topicals Marina Del Rey, CA & Santa Monica, CA

Dispensary Near Me & Marijuana Topicals in Marina Del Rey, CA

Dispensary Near Me ∴ Santa Monica, CA ∴ Marina Del Rey, CA